Girl Education | Next Step Living Longer Books

Girl Education

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  • Hair, A thing of beauty and joy forever ! (Approved Medicines for Hair loss for Girls/ Women)- English

    There is no question that “hair” is a very important factor for all of us. It is a thing of
    beauty and a joy forever.
    Want to know what makes us lose our hair?

    • This book provides medical information about hair and hair loss/hair thinning.
    • It explains what factors can really make us lose our hair and how we can really maintain our hair growth.
    • Most important factors to be taken care of are any major illness, hormonal imbalance, iron deficiency and excessive stress. These factors have a dramatic effect on our hair growth.
    • The book also explains how pregnancy has a dramatic effect on hair of women.
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    This book is an ode to all the women that I have known.
    Be it my mother, my wife, my sister or my daughter.
    I salute you all!
    The book brings out the impact I felt after watching the movie “Thappad” and it basically is an interpretation of certain dialogues from the movie When I see the treatment of women, in India and
    USA, I see so much difference in approach in both India and USA that I felt I had to write about it. Women are treated as equals in USA. They shoulder also responsibilities with men equally. They are not looked down up like in India. Hence, I felt it to be my duty being a son, husband and father to bring out the situations which need our attention.

    We need to raise our men with a strong foundation, so that our women don’t feel burdened like they do now.

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  • With him, worried about becoming pregnant, Girls have choices- English

    Imagine if you end up being a mother not by your choice.

    Will, you be able to bear the trauma on your mental health, physical health and your relationship?

    • Being a mother is the most beautiful feeling in this world!
    • Pregnancy among young girls is a common global issue.
    • At times they are not even mentally, physically, financially ready for it.
    • Most of the time young girls do not even know about the choices or simple precautionary measures that they should adopt to prevent themselves from unwanted pregnancy.
    • Not only young girls but every woman should be aware of the ways of preventing unwanted pregnancy.
    • They should be educated about the choices available for them to enable them to make the correct choice.
    • This book is written to provide insight into all the choices available for young girls/women.
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  • Every young girls should keep this pill in her purse(ECP) English

    This is a quick reference book from Add15Years to give you the important information about Emergency
    Contraceptive Pills (ECP).

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  • What every young girl needs to know about a “Young Girl”(English)

    • There are young girls all over India who do not understand what is happening to them as they enter “puberty”.
    • It is a major taboo topic in India.
    • Let us give our daughters insight to plan for their future.
    • We should educate and give every opportunity to our young daughters.
    • If we don’t educate them, the internet will.
    • Best person to educate them is the lady doctor in town or the mom.

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