Coronavirus Updates Till Feb 25, 2020 (Hindi) Book-1 | Next Step Living Longer Books

Coronavirus Updates Till Feb 25, 2020 (Hindi) Book-1


इस बुक के कुछ जरूरी मेडिकल फैक्ट्स नीचे बताये गए हैं:
•एक डॉक्टर के रूप में मैं अपने और अपने परिवार के लोगों के लिए क्या करूंगा?
•विभिन्न प्रकार के कोरोनावायरस के बारे में- SARS, MERS इत्यादि।
•हम किसी वायरस या रोगाणु से कैसे संक्रमित हो जाते हैं?
•कोरोनावायरस का इलाज क्या है?
•क्या कोरोनावायरस के लिए कोई टीका है?
Category: Tag: Product ID: 5134

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  1. Manjula Shukla

    This book is view of today’s disease Corona virus. This book is very good to read.

  2. Amit Jangra

    this book is very knowledgeable for all the people.

  3. priya Ganguli

    This book is very Short snd Simple.

  4. Monti Ch

    This book provides good updates about coronaviruses.

  5. Tina

    Great observation by the author

  6. Rachna Tanwar

    Thanks for sharing an nice book for us !!!

  7. Jannat

    This is an helpful book !!!

  8. Rachna Tanwar

    I found your book is an interesting and nice !!!

  9. Misti Roy

    This is an helpful book for me !!!

  10. Hamid khan

    Good information. Thanks for sharing

  11. Rajwan sekh

    That’s wonderful. many things to learn. thanks for sharing

  12. Anshu Chauhan

    Excellent book !
    Thank you very much for your hard work

  13. Anjar Ali

    Your book is so useful for us, thanks for sharing. Good stuff!

  14. Rekha Rawath

    Great observation by the author

  15. Tina

    Your books are always helpful for us !!!

  16. Ruchi

    Thanks for sharing this book !!!

  17. Liykath

    This is an informative book

  18. Liton Das

    Amazing tho read your books

  19. Akshya

    Great observation by the author !!!

  20. Aashish Janin

    Thanks for sharing this book

  21. Anish Gupta

    Your books are always helpful for us !!!

  22. Bhati

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  23. Jannat

    Useful information tnx for your book!!!

  24. Payal

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    I learn new information from your books,
    you are doing a great job. Keep it up

  25. Rashmi khan

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    I learned new information from your book, you are doing a great job. Continue

  26. Divya yadav

    Very interesting, good job and thanks for sharing such a good book !!!!

  27. Ponom Yadav

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    Very useful information. Thx

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