Coronavirus Epidemic in USA (English) | Next Step Living Longer Books

Coronavirus Epidemic in USA (English)


Today, USA has become the country with maximum number of COVID-19 patients and maximum
number of deaths in the world. This book presents:

  • The State-by-State Projections of COVID-19 cases in USA.
  • The statistics showing when will each state reach its peak in this pandemic situation for all the
    states like Alaska, Alabama, Arizona, California, Colorado, Florida, Hawaii, Georgia, and more.
  • The tabular view for better understanding of the state wise projections on peak dates, bed
    shortages in hospitals, number of deaths on peak date, and number of cumulative deaths.
Category: Tag: Product ID: 6128

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  1. Shermy

    I think this is the much needed book of an hr.

  2. Nakul

    Must read book. Deserves a star rating.

  3. Rahul

    book is very helpful in nowadays we have to fight with corona virus.

  4. Amrindar Singh

    Please sir, add star ratings. I would like to give four stars ⭐ this. This is the wonderful book.

  5. Mahesh Kumar

    good book.
    strong points.

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